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+90 541 253 58 06
+90 546 726 06 06
A bitumen emulsion plant produces bitumen emulsion by homogeneously mixing bitumen, water, an emulsifier, and acid in specific proportions.
In a bitumen emulsion plant, there are bitumen tanks, solution tanks, acid and emulsifier scales, bitumen pumps, solution pumps, and colloid mills.
The bitumen emulsion plant is equipped with software. A recipe for the desired type of bitumen emulsion is entered into this software.
For Efficient Operation of a Bitumen Emulsion Plant:
- The solution tank, emulsifier, and acid tank should be manufactured to be resistant to wear and corrosion.
- Flow meters should be used for precise dosing.
- The rotor-stator gap of the colloid mill should be adjustable.
- The final product, bitumen emulsion, should not be produced at temperatures above 95°C. At higher temperatures, water will transition to a gas phase, causing the bitumen emulsion to deteriorate.
- It is also important that the plant is operated by an experienced operator in bitumen emulsion production.
5-15 tons/hour bitumen emulsion production capacity
+90 541 253 58 06
+90 546 726 06 06
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