Bitumen Melting Decanter in Romania
Bitumen DECANTER in Romania A bitumen bag decanter is commonly used in countries where bitumen is scarce or not readily available. Bitumen, delivered in frozen big bag packages, is melted, stored, and prepared for use. Typically, a big bag bitumen decanter consists of a hot oil boiler, a bitumen melting system, and bitumen storage tanks. […]
Bitumen storage facility was put into operation !
Bitumen storage facility was put into operation ! Bitumen storage facilities, asphalt plants and bitumen sellers are crucial sites for various industries. Bitumen, transported in heated mobile tanks is transferred to storage tanks via bitumen pumps. In these tanks, bitumen is heated through a thermal oil boiler making it ready for service or asphalt production. […]
Used Asphalt Plant in Libya !
USED BennInghoven asphalt plant in libya ! MBA: The Trusted Choice for Used Asphalt Plant Sales For their highway project in Libya, our client chose MBA, the **reliable address for used asphalt plant sales**. A batch-type asphalt plant with a capacity of 320 tons per hour was sold along with a modified bitumen plant. The […]
Bitumen decanter in Libya!
BITUMEN DECANTER ın LIBYA ! Many countries meet their bitumen needs through exports. Bitumen is purchased by all ships in liquid or frozen form, in barrels or big bags. The bitumen decanter heats the frozen bitumen transferred so that it can be reused. For Libya, upon the request of our customer, we produced a 15 […]