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+90 541 253 58 06
+90 546 726 06 06
Cutback bitumen plant is a facility that produces low-viscosity primer material by thinning bitumen with a solvent. Solvents such as kerosene, naphtha, and diesel are mixed with bitumen in specific quantities. Depending on the type of cutback bitumen to be produced, the solvent is used in a range of 10% to 50%. Cutback bitumen is used in surface coatings and asphalt patching projects. To operate a cutback bitumen plant, a bitumen tank, solvent tank, and hot oil boiler are required.
A cutback bitumen plant consists of a colloid mill, bitumen pump, solvent pump, bitumen flow meter, solvent flow meter, and a control panel. Bitumen and solvent are pumped in specific ratios through their respective pumps. This ratio is maintained by real-time measurements from the bitumen and solvent flow meters. The colloid mill mixes and homogenizes the bitumen and solvent at high speed. The control panel is equipped with a PLC system and software. The desired cutback bitumen formulation (MC, RC, SC) is entered into the software, and the system automatically produces the cutback bitumen. The temperatures of both the bitumen and cutback bitumen are monitored via automation to ensure safe operation.
Production in the Capacity Range of 40-3000 Tons
Production in the capacity range of 250,000 - 3,000,000 kcal/hour
+90 541 253 58 06
+90 546 726 06 06
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